While sidestepping the obvious fact that it’s been a while and there’s a mountain of internet dust that has accumulated since my last post, lets just say I have MORE than enough writing material. Quick recap before getting to the purpose of the blog, "what has happened since the last post;" Renaissance festival shed completed, Renaissance Festival, wedding, new job, costuming for theatre production, death, Holidays, breathing, taxes, leather working aaaaaaaand we’re now caught up. I’ll get into a few of the previously mentioned events in the upcoming days for now I want to focus on the caught up portion.
I’ve found my pants have all been getting a bit tighter in the past couple of weeks. I chalk this up to the weather; last year at this time there was no snow and our temperatures were somewhere in the 60’s and 70’s. Basically I was outdoors already biking and doing outdoor workout. While the gym is availiable to use at work, I’ve never really been the type of person that will go to the gym by myself. I’d much rather go with someone and be pushed and challenged than go alone and push myself. I’ve previously blogged about the outdoor workout that Sean and I have done in the past. While I’ve done it alone a handful of times, I don’t get the same effort out of myself when I do it alone.
Okay so you’re pants are tight and you’re blaming the weather and whining about not working out alone what does this have to do with this post? I’m getting to that right now. I decided to sign up for Krav Maga Classes. Krav ma-wha??? Krav Maga, it’s an Israeli self defense system.
The class is in Stillwater through Valley Self Defense. The instructor is the Pastor at our church and I’ve been wanting to give it a whirl for some time now and my 2nd job work schedule never allowed for it, so I changed the schedule to make it work so I can check it out. It’s an 8 week course and I completed week 1 last night.
I intended to blog about this prior to the class and follow up with it because I had a moment on Sunday where the Instructors’ son asked me if I was going to be in the class on Monday and I said yes. So after thinking about it for a bit, I had this feeling that I was going to get my butt handed to me by someone half my age, which I’m not certain if that’s a better thing than getting it handed to me by someone twice my age…. (love you Luis/Robin) Yes the sole purpose of wanting to blog about it before hand was so I could put that one joke in there….
I think the first class went allright, it was armed (knife) and un-armed attacks and blocking. We warmed up by walking around the space and then avoided having the back of our heads, arms, knees touched while trying to get any of the other members (situational awareness, and a big game of adult tag all rolled into one.) We then lined up, did some pushups, sit ups, squats and then we partnered up andwere taught the various blocks and proper form/technique for unarmed attacks, armed attacks, choke attacks, from behind attacks (think atm/unattentive walking down the street/being jumped etc) and then a six stage “gauntlet” that tied everything together.
All in all it was a pretty good workout so in another 7 weeks I’ll be able to go from this…..
To this!!!!!
Sorry Chuck Norris….but Bruce Lee owned you….just like I will in seven weeks or my money back….right……right…..that WAS the fine print wasn’t it…........shoot what did I sign???????
that's it for now kids, like and and share this, I'll be back in a couple days with some leather work/projects post.