When I re-started this blog I said I wanted to get more cardio in. On Monday back to work I was looking at my Fitbit stats and I was disappointed in myself. When I got the Fitbit the default goal was 10,000 steps a day and because I was tired of not hitting the goal I changed it down to 7,500 a day to give myself a moral boost of hitting a goal. During a weekend at festival I averaged about 50,000 steps over a two day weekend which in my mind averaged everything over the goal for the week, even though during the week I did maybe 5,000 steps a day. I was sore and didn't leave my desk.
Once festival ended I made an effort to get up and walk a couple laps around the hallway of my work, the company measured out how many laps around the floor equals a mile a couple of years ago so I tried, to get up and move a few times throughout the day. As you can see above I haven't reached the 7,500 goal for a while. Monday, for lack of better terms, I felt a flip switch, I made a choice to reach my goal, not just the 7,500 steps goal but I wanted to hit the 10,000 goal. Each hour (except lunch break) I got up and did 5 laps around the building. Monday I hit that goal of over 10k steps.

Last night I went to bed sore and tired, and I slept the best I had in a while. The same Fitbit that tracks my steps also tracks my sleep and I was out like a rock last night sleeping. This morning I woke up and came to work and I noticed something. I have less overall pain. My nails look healthier, as in it looks like I have a french manicure going on until I took a clippers to them. As weird as it sounds I feel like I'm healthier, from hair to teeth to joints, I just feel better. If this can happen after 2 days of a little more effort I'll take it. My laps started off with a normal lap and then I kicked it up a notch so that by the end of the 5 laps I had a couple beads of sweat going on and actually looked forward to sitting down for a little bit. Until I did it again, there were times when it hurt but I convinced myself to push through it. I saw post on a friends Facebook page and I thought it was appropriate and will commence the blog with this as I have to get some laps in.