The next two weeks finds me off of work to spend time bonding with my little girl. A new program that was launched for fathers to have a form of paternity leave as before we had to save/use our personal vacation day(s)
This is your idea of bonding??? get over here an play with me!!!! |
So last weeks results were pretty stale, I meant to update the blog on Saturday with Sean and I working out in the AM and the results from the measurements but I ended up getting distracted by the household watching "Dr. Who" on Netflix (which I had never really seen, can definitely see how people can get into the show) and then heading to get a new phone. Here's what I would have posted..
Saturday Morning
I managed to get up at 5:45 on a Saturday morning, not prompted by a crying child, dog, or having to use the restroom and got ready to go work out on my cheat day. When I met up with Sean, we again shared proof of our minds being connected in some form and he echoed my thoughts of "I was tempted to text you and sleep in but decided to get up and get going." Now working out with Sean was a blast because we can bounce ideas off one another and give different exercises that we've done and have tried or variations of those.
Me showing Sean how much strength I've gained with the 5lbs dumbbell |
Sean showing me his perfect nap form |
After showering and getting home I took the measurements which had remained about the same, I had a feeling they would be as on Thursday I realized that I hadn't been eating until I was full but rather eating just what was provided. I think that had sent my body into a bit of a starvation mode and I just didn't catch it until Thursday afternoon. Live and learn.
Additional workout plan
Saturday did inspire me to amp up my workout schedule more. So for the next two weeks I've came up with this plan.
Monday - Chest
3 - Bench press 165lbs, 195lbs, 225lbs (25, 15, 8 reps)
3 - Nautilus press 80lbs, 100lbs, 130lbs (25, 15, 8 reps)
3 - Incline press 80lbs, 100lbs, 130lbs
(25, 15, 8 reps)
3 - Pec deck machine 60lbs, 70lbs, 80lbs
(25, 15, 8 reps)
Tuesday – Full body - cardio
Kettlebell swings 2 sessions: 25lbs, 25lbs, 45lbs
(25, 25, 15 reps)
Jogging 30 -45 mins
Wednesday - Shoulders
3 - Arnold press 55lbs, 55lbs, 55lbs
(25, 15, 8 reps)
3 - Laterals 30lbs, 30lbs, 30lbs
(25, 15, 8 reps)
3 - Front raises 25lbs, 25lbs ,25lbs
(25, 15, 8 reps)
3 - Lat pull downs 135lbs, 150lbs, 165lbs
(25, 15, 8 reps)
Thursday – Full body - cardio
Kettlebell swings 2 sessions: 25lbs, 25lbs, 45lbs
(25, 25, 15 reps)
Jogging 30 -45 mins
Friday - Biceps &
3 - Preacher curl machine 60lbs, 80lbs, 95lbs
(25, 15, 8 reps)
3 - EZ curls cable 50lbs, 65lbs, 80lbs
(25, 15, 8 reps)
3 - Hammer curls 30lbs, 45lbs, 55lbs
(25, 15, 8 reps)
3 - Push downs 70lbs, 85lbs, 100lbs
(25, 15, 8 reps)
With this plan I'm also going to be adding a protein shake to my food intake after the heavier workouts on Mon, Wed, and Fri. I've found the Kettlebell swing sessions are perfect right before the two lunches. The great thing about this is that everything will take less than an hour each day. I've done a variation of this a couple years back to prepare for the
Robin Hood show.
The rest of Saturday went pretty fast. When the boy climbed into the car and wanted to drive, I realized in about 15 years he'll be doing just that; and looking back at the past 15 years and how quickly they've gone by and the changes that have happened in the world. This all makes me take a moment to really look at making sure I make as many healthy changes as I can to stick around for these guys.
Grab that big stick so I can reach the clutch!! |