Cheat day #3 is here. I got up with the boy this morning and went to grab breakfast for the house. Stopped and grabbed a Muscle Milk and protein bar to get the cheat day started as recommended with a huge shot of protein. I drove around in the foggy morning and was mesmerized by the freeze that had occurred overnight on the trees and just kept driving around and stopping to take pictures. This brought to my mind a funny post that my friend Katie had posted about the photographer in her. You can take a look at it in Katies' blog
here. (I highly recommend it) Now, I too once dreamed of being a photographer and loved the images. I sold most of my equipment shortly after getting married because I just didn't use it anymore and it wasn't up to the days technology.Now I spot a point and shoot pocket camera that I got on cheap during Black Friday. I'm thinking I'll have to start placing wards on the house soon to prevent the people I know who are REAL photographers from showing up with pitch forks and fire. Driving around this morning I managed to capture some of these shots.
I usually carry a camera around with me, if only for moments like this.
Seriously?? If you take ONE more picture of me I WILL go SITH on your a$$
Well otherwise measurements remained the same for stomach and I dropped an inch on my hips. I'm thinking i need to add more veggies to the meals that I made last week and actually add some real planned workouts this week to get some better results.
The train tracks are especially beautiful!