Apparently neglect has been my blog theme the past few days. So let’s get right into it. The measurements came back in on Saturday and as I didn’t measure from the previous week this was two weeks’ worth of measurements. Since I’ve started I’ve dropped 6 inches from my stomach and 5 ½ from my hips. While my arms and thighs have basically remained the same. This is definitely noticeable to me as I can fit into a pair of pants that a few weeks ago were becoming a bit too tight. It’s all about the baby steps.
As I said on the previous blog I went ahead and signed up for a two week pass at anytime fitness to not allow myself any excuse….One goal for this week is to hit the gym every day. Sunday I got some lifting and light cardio in and last night I decided to do a 5k. There’s a program out there that my buddy Sean mentions in his post called couch to 5K. I decided to skip the middle man and just go with the 5k. Now this isn’t to say that I have been sitting on the couch and haven’t jogged/ran in eons, I have. I wanted to give it a whirl and give myself an idea on where I was at for a baseline comparison. I think I’ve gotten the food portion down to knowing what works and what I need to do, now I want to really start getting the exercise in and combining the two of them into a full blown lifestyle change.
I had joked that if I’m not back in 45 minutes to send an ambulance. The fastest I have ever done a mile is just over 7 minutes. I started out and got to where the map had said was about a mile without having to stop and walk. It took me until the mile and ¾ mark to finally come to a walk, and I power walked for a short block to regain a regular breathing pattern and then jogged until about the 2.25 mile mark, power walked another block and RAN another .5 mile and used the remaining distance to cool down so I didn’t return to the house looking like I was about to keel over. I woke up this morning expecting to be stiff and sore but to my surprise I actually was just more tired than anything.
To the gym!!
I have no desire to be a "runner," while I admit I did feel a sense of pride in being ABLE to do the 5k I still have no desire to do anything further than that. My meat and taters has always been strength and lifting...I lift things up and put things down...If you haven't seen the commercial stating that check it out here, I find it hilarious each time. I see it. Today I’m going to go back to my kettlebells before lunches at our work gym and the Wednesday lifting plan I had outlined in a previous post tonight at anytime. While I should probably give myself a couple days away from weight training between sessions I can always adjust the intensity of them to prevent myself from burning out. The key right now for me is to listen to my body and not push myself too hard, which surprisingly has been an issue in the past.
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