I grew up playing sports, I think I played or at least tried to play just about every sport available on some level. My calendar as a kid revolved around what sports were associated with what season, spring and summer was baseball, basketball, some soccer, fall was about football, winter was about skiing and skating and hockey. Also as soon as the grass was visible until it got put away by Dad, my bicycle was out and a constant mode of transportation. As I got older I narrowed down sports I played because I just was better at certain ones than the others and my competitive nature wouldn't let me lose out to someone because I wasn't as good as them. The final sport I ended up playing is High School Football and I admit my main source of food by the time I was in High School usually involved fast food because it was on the way home from school and easy. The winter before I quit football I had a pretty serious knee injury skiing and I decided to quit after another injury to the knee leading up to the start of the football season. Unfortunately I didn't stop eating the McDonalds, Burger Kings or Taco Bells around town. So with the lack of activity and the continued intake of food my weight went upwards.
This past Saturday marked the end of my 2 week trial at the gym. While it was something that was nice I only ended up using it twice a week for my lifting days (read...I can't justify spending 30.00 a month for something it looks like I'll use 8 times a month.) The other lifting day I could get done during my lunch break at work and the other days were cardio just jogging outside. Also Saturday was the first rehearsal of the upcoming Ren Fest season and I found myself fully remembering the fights and a majority of the lines of the script. Looking back on the rehearsal I can credit the sports background to a good portion of the fights that are done during the show. With the quarterstaff fight a lot of moves are basic motions that are found in most sports just modified the the quarterstaff or whatever weapon is being used for a particular fight.
As I mentioned a month ago (wow how time flies) at the end of the 2 month period I will post pictures for better or worse on the changes that have occurred. The pictures are coming this week, just not today. The stats for the weekly measurements are stomach down .5 inches and hips down .5 inches as well, arms and legs remained basically the same. As of last Friday the official total weight loss has reached 33.7 pounds. I'm also noticing some definition in the muscles in my arms from the two weeks of lifting and cardio. With the gym close to the house now out of the question and returning to second job two nights a week starting this week I'm going to change around the exercise plan just a little bit as follows:
Monday - Chest lifting previously listed (during lunch)
Jogging (evenings)
Tuesday - 1x Kettle bell session (75 reps)
Jogging (evenings)
Wednesday - Shoulders Lifting previously listed (during Lunch)
Jogging (evenings)
Thursday - 1x Kettle bell session (75 reps)
Jogging (evenings)
Friday - Bicep & Triceps lifting previously listed (during lunch)
Jogging (evenings)
Saturday - 1x Kettle bell session (75 reps)
Sunday - Rest
While looking at it does seem daunting I want to ramp up the physical activity and the evening jogging during the days of lifting is going to be light (approximately a mile) and heavier on the other days, I'm giving myself an easier Saturday and a full day on Sunday to rest as I usually am active enough on the weekends to not have to have a set schedule.
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